Says: | Włodzimierz Bartkowski |
Function: | President of POLDRÓB, the Nationwide Association of Poultry Producers, Deputy President of the Management Board at Cedrob |
Poultry production in Poland is growing. Exports are close to the 50 percent mark
Polish poultry industry is thriving. Total production in 2017 is assessed at record-breaking 3 m tonnes. The consumption of poultry is also growing to more than 30 kg per person a year. As much as 45 percent of poultry production is being exported. In 2017, we exported nearly 1,2 m tonnes with a value of PLN 8.3 bn. Polish poultry is exported mainly to European markets. In order to keep it on a relatively high level, Polish producers have to seek customers outside Europe.
“The Polish poultry industry is now thriving. It is important to note that this sector has been developing very well and recording continuous increases in production. This means that plants are developing, upgrading and successfully delivering their products which are sold both domestically and internationally. Poland is now a European leader in chicken production,” Włodzimierz Bartkowski, President of the Nationwide Association of Poultry Producers (OZPD) Poldrób and Deputy President of the Management Board of Cedrob told Newseria Biznes.
Poland is a European leader in poultry production. Data published by the European Commission shows that poultry production in 2017 reached 3.1 m tonnes. This is almost two times higher than in France or Germany (approx. 1.8 m each). Prospects also seem favourable – according to the EC, this year the production is expected to grow by another 7 percent.
Poultry consumption, too, has never been this high. Data published by the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics suggests that, statistically, each Pole consumes 30.5 kg of poultry a year.
“Surplus of our poultry output is exported to European markets, where our products successfully compete against local produce. This is associated with quality and price. Poland has been performing very well in terms of defining production costs. This has allowed us to successfully sell competitively-priced quality products across Europe. 80 percent of our products go to European markets, while the rest is sold outside Europe,” says Bartkowski.
The Ministry of Finance has reported that during the previous year we exported nearly 1.2 m tonnes of poultry. Exports now account for as much as 45 percent of all produced poultry. For comparison, in 2004 this was only 16 percent. We export poultry mainly to EU Member States (80 percent), with Germany, the UK and France as leading importers. We sold 31 percent of all exported poultry to those three countries combined.
“Currently, our major poultry recipient in Europe is the UK. Brexit can affect our exports but I believe our politicians and we ourselves will be doing everything to cushion the blow. Other large importers include Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania,” lists the expert.
However, the EU market is largely saturated, so, in order to keep exports on a relatively high level, Polish producers have to seek customers outside Europe. Chances of growth are high, as a growing number of countries, especially from Asia, are interested in importing poultry.
“As regards non-EU countries to which we send our poultry, these include Persian Gulf States and Egypt. Some of our products are also exported to South-Eastern Asia, including to Hong Kong and Vietnam,” says Bartkowski.
Cedrob is the leading poultry producer in Poland. During the previous year, its sales reached PLN 3.5 bn and it delivered 180 m tonnes of chicken to the market. As the Deputy President admits, the company strictly controls its production and its products are valued in Europe not only for their price but also quality.
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