Says: | Marta Dunin-Michałowska |
Function: | President |
Company: | Event Industry Association |
The event industry is on the rise. Poland’s infrastructure is getting better and better, and Polish event agencies are gaining international renown
The Polish event industry is becoming more and more professional, gaining increasing recognition internationally. It is also a growing factor in the national economy. A total of 150 major international conferences have already been scheduled to take place in Poland by 2021. Yet, the event marketing industry is still struggling to live up to international standards and having issues with the competitive bidding procedures involved in procuring these services.
“The event industry in Poland is on the rise. About 5-7 years ago, we said we were still in our infancy. Now, the business is growing mature and gaining momentum. Through industry associations and organisations, we’re trying to make sure that it has a positive image among our clients. We want them to appreciate the fact that event marketing is a very important tool in the overall marketing strategy. There are plenty of studies showing how important and beneficial it is for our economy,” Marta Dunin-Michałowska, President of the Event Industry Association, told the Newseria Biznes news agency.
The Polish meetings industry is developing as well as becoming more professional. Indeed, Poland has delivered a number of major event projects and received international awards (such as the Global Eventex Awards 2017 for the Verva Street Racing project). Event marketing – a tool used for promoting and creating a brand image – has been increasingly embraced as a professional business tool. Also, in addition to professional event agencies, numerous institutions, associations, contests and media dedicated to this industry have been established.
It is also a growing factor in the economy. According to a report on “The Meetings and Events Industry in Poland 2016” by the Poland Convention Bureau of the Polish Tourist Organisation”, the meetings industry brings more than PLN 1.57 bn into the economy and creates more than 30,000 jobs across Poland. Almost 34,000 business events attended by nearly 7 m guests were held in 2015. Most of these events took place in Warsaw, Kraków and Gdańsk. Other economic benefits provided by the MICE industry include 13.9 m hotel stays, PLN 122 m in culture, recreation and transport spending, as well as more than PLN 1 bn in food & beverage services in 2015. The event industry is also driving tourism and the commercial property market (investment in conference and hotel facilities).
“There are many companies that are in no way inferior to their international counterparts. We’re trying to make sure that our country is recognisable and that we have the required infrastructure. We’re promoting the industry in Poland and abroad to draw in international events. The Polish market is perfectly able to accommodate these events – new locations are springing up. Many of them are beautiful, large venues that can accommodate events. We have a great potential,” Marta Dunin-Michałowska said.
According to a 2017 Polish Tourist Organisation report, a total of 150 major international conferences have already been scheduled to take place in Poland by 2021. Also, the President of the Event Industry Association believes that the events organised by Polish agencies are not much different conceptually, creatively and digitally from those delivered by major international agencies.
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