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2018-06-12 | 05:00
Poultry production in Poland is growing. Exports are close to the 50 percent mark All news

Poultry production in Poland is growing. Exports are close to the 50 percent mark

Polish poultry industry is thriving. Total production in 2017 is assessed at record-breaking 3 m tonnes. The consumption of poultry is also growing to more than 30 kg per person a year. As much as 45 percent of poultry production is being exported. In 2017, we exported nearly 1,2 m tonnes with a value of PLN 8.3 bn. Polish poultry is exported mainly to European markets. In order to keep it on a relatively high level, Polish producers have to seek customers outside Europe.
2018-05-21 | 05:00
Left with a 600,000 tonne surplus, Polish sugar producers are searching for new export markets.

Left with a 600,000 tonne surplus, Polish sugar producers are searching for new export markets.

Poland produced 2.3 m tonnes of sugar last year after the lifting of the sugar-beet and sugar quotas. This has led to a surplus of more than 600,000 tonnes on the domestic market. Exports to non-EU markets might be a solution to this problem. This, however, would require an appropriate system of logistics and infrastructure. To this end, Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa will build a new terminal in the Port of Gdańsk, allowing for the exports of about 300,000 tonnes of sugar a year.
2018-05-15 | 05:00
Polish people have developed a taste for Italian cuisine. Over the last five years, the import of Italian food has grown by almost 50 percent.

Polish people have developed a taste for Italian cuisine. Over the last five years, the import of Italian food has grown by almost 50 percent.

Italian cuisine has become Poles’ cup of tea. The Mediterranean diet has become the second most popular food type, second only to our own, traditional cuisine. This is translating into growing imports of Italian food, which recorded an almost 46 percent increase over the last 5 years. The EUR 826 m worth of exports of Italian food to Poland includes mainly coffee, chocolate and cocoa products, olive oil, pasta, tinned vegetables and fresh grapes.
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